Walker {2 Year Old}

I love having nephews!  It’s an adventure in which there is never a dull moment.  This little man turned 2 at the beginning of the year, so we decided to do a little ‘fox and the hound’ themed photo shoot with his dog Blue.  They are both crazy (in the good, fun way), and it was nothing short of a hilarious photo shoot – which included a little bit of bribery of snacks and play time at the park.

Michael {Senior}

I first met Michael 3 years ago when I did his sister, Janelle‘s senior pictures.  I was so excited to hear from their mom before Michael graduated in June, and to see the two of them again.  A lot of times, guys compare photo shoots with a mild form of torture, but if that’s how he was feeling, he did a great job faking his way through the session.  Good luck in your next big adventure as you head off to school next month!

Cris & Ariel {Daddy & Daughter}

It’s crazy how life can change so quickly, and people that you didn’t know a year ago can so quickly become everything to you.  I met Cris and Ariel last fall, and it didn’t take long at all for this man to sweep me off my feet!  And now, I can’t imagine another day without them.  We took a little day trip to Brenham over spring break to go to the BlueBell Ice Cream Factory, and I couldn’t help but to turn it into a little photo shoot of the two of them while we were there.  Take a look at these pictures, and you will see how much love there is between them and how much this little girl loves her daddy!  (And maybe you will see a small glimpse at what made me fall head over heels in love with him!)

Katelyn {Senior}

There’s not much to say about this beautiful girl’s senior session, because the photos speak for themselves.  She is absolutely beautiful, inside and out!  I am so blessed and honored to have her in my life, and so excited for her as she steps into her next big adventure at Baylor University this fall!

Cordero {Headshots}

I so enjoyed getting to photograph Cordero’s head shots at the beginning of the year.  He has such a great personality and it was so fun for me to get to visit with him during his session.  Cordero is an ice skater, and can currently be found traveling the seas and skating on a cruise ship.  I would love to say that I’m not jealous, but that would be a lie!  Good luck with all your adventures Cordero, and say hello to the beautiful Caribbean for me!