Do you remember the song “I Love To Laugh”, from Mary Poppins?? When I was a kid, I watched that movie so many times that I could probably quote the whole movie from beginning to end. My mom said that when I was six and had the chicken pox, I watched it over and over again… It would end and I would start it again.
Bottom line (having absolutely nothing to do with Mary Poppins or chicken pox), I love to laugh! Not just the courtesy laugh that you let out to make someone feel better about their not-so-funny joke, but the kind of laugh that leaves you in pain after. The kind of laugh that you can’t really breathe or control the tears coming from your eyes. Those laughs are my favorite!
This couple is so wonderful and so full of laughter! I really enjoyed spending the day with them, exploring a new area, laughing all the way. Bo has the amazing ability to make Leslie laugh at just about anything, and I had such a fun time capturing their love and their laughter!
Check out some of my favorites…