I photographed Barron & Brittney’s engagement pictures last year, and had the honor of being a part of their beautiful wedding in November at the Lonestar Flight Museum in Galveston. Although my primary role of the day was as a bridesmaid, I just couldn’t help but take my camera along to capture what I could in between my bridesmaid duties. Although I didn’t get to take any pictures of the bride and groom together (I know… what is wrong with me?! Don’t I know how to multi-task by now?!), I did get to hang out with Barron before the wedding and take a couple pictures of him. I hope you enjoy what little photos I did take…
During the reception, I only had my camera out for about a minute and a half. And during that very short time, I captured a few pictures of my wonderful pastors dancing. I absolutely adore them and just had to share a few shots of them on here too!